Sen. Brown testifies before the U.S. Senate.
“Even without a vote, he has always been a strong
advocate for the rights of DC residents.” –Barack Obama
“He is an aggressive, but avuncular spokesman for DC.”
–NBC Washington
“At the forums I have seen, he has charmed attendees with a mixture of humor and moral outrage.”
–Mike DeBonis, The Washington Post

Watch Sen. Brown on NewsChannel 8.
Since 2006, I have served the people of the District of Columbia as your United States Senator. During that time, we have seen things change from a crusade to get a single vote in the U.S. House of Representatives to a movement for full equality through statehood. I am proud to say that I have played a part in that transition.
From putting up giant billboards at the 2012 National Convention when the Democratic Party left DC statehood out of its national platform to helping pass a new constitution and a referendum for statehood in 2016, I have worked hard to advance our cause.
I used my position as a superdelegate to get commitments from presidential candidates Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders in support of DC statehood.
I created a website – Teach Democracy – for teachers and students across the nation to use and recently got 42 international organizations to pass a resolution in support of DC statehood.
I have a weekly internet radio show – Shadow Politics – that promotes DC statehood and gets more than 400,000 hits online per year.
I have lobbied for and been arrested for statehood and have fought hard to end our more than 200 years of subjugation. Look through this website and you'll see.
I promise I will continue to do everything I can every day to keep our movement going forward because it’s time to fulfill the promise of democracy and make the people of the nation’s capital equal citizens by making Washington, DC the 51st state.
Let's finish this fight. I know that together we can get the job done in 2024!